Sunday, December 03, 2006

Peter suger

Dammsugardemo på herrfest... Hmmm

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Olle & Selda

SEMC 5 years

Niklas & Olle

SEMC 5 year anniversery party

SEMC 5 years

Where did she come from? Ouch... :-)

Jim having lunch

James O. Coplien @øredev 2006. Here he's having one of the rather dull lunches that were served at the conference.

Before that, he gave a very inspiring keynote speech about himself and others that were agile long before agile was cool. It was a very interesting speech indeed, as I am one of the guys he was both talking about and talking to.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Alltid lika glad att få servera oss gott tyskt öl.


Rille hos systrarna på Hesslebaren

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Full o glad


Värdinnan för kvällen

Min älskade Maria

Hemma hos Carlssons på middag. Lax och kräftstjärtar i kräftsås och pressad potatis. Yummie!